Sunday 19 February 2012

Editing our final film opening - 3

January 9th 2012 - Myself, Rosy and Mia all stayed to finish off the editing to our film today. All we had left to do was to add our production company name at the begining of the film and some effects to the music and editing.

 We chose the name "FearsomeFilms" as our production company as it goes well with the theme of our horror film opening.
Our production company logo:

We chose this type of font and style for our logo as we think it stands out and looks professional. We wanted it to look as realistic as possible. By looking at other film company logos we realised that the majority of them used bold and simple fonts that stand out.
We added this to the begining of our film.

Aswell as adding our company logo, we added some affects to our film to build the tension as much as possible and make sure that it runs smoothly.
At the begining of our film when the church bells are ringing we wanted to fade the sound out so it blends in with the music that's about to start. We did this by using the 'fade in fade out' tool on the final cut programme. This did exaclty what we wanted. Each sounds runs smoothly into another. We aslo used this tool at the end of each song so that it doesn't sound cut and chop when we're about to talk.

Another tool we used was the 'speed up, slow down' tool. We used this at different points in the music that we used so that parts of the music matched with the scene and made it look alot smoother. We aslo used this tool to slow and speed up parts of the scene as well; e.g. when Tom turns his head to look at the gravestones behind him. We thought this added tension and mystery to the scene.

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