Sunday 8 January 2012

Editing - Day 1

Just like we did for the preliminary task, we used the macs and 'Final Cut' to edit our film opening. We uploaded all our clips that we had filmed the day before onto final cut and started to decide what clips we did and didn't want. We got rid of all the clips that were no good and started to put the other clips in the time line to start editing them.

As we were putting our clips in the right order we realised that some of the clips were much darker than the others. All though we thought it was a good idea to use the torch as lighting, it barely showed anything. The only clips that looked good with the torch were the ones that had the torch pointing directly in our faces. All the other torch lit clips were useless.
We tried to lighten the clips by using the 'brightness' tool on final cut, but unfortunately it just made the clips look messy and hard to see. In order to make our film as good as possible, we decided that we would have to re-film some of our clips.

Apart from that, we managed to start editing the begining of our film. We were happy with what we have started with.

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