Sunday 8 January 2012

First Day of shooting our film opening

November 23rd 2011 - Mia filmed a scene of the mother and daughter playing outside their house. She used herself as the mother and her little sister as the daughter. Mia did this in her own time outside of school.
November 24th 2011 - Today we started our filming. We had to change a few things that we had previously planned to do with our film due to convinces. Instead of filming it in Rosy's nans garage we decided on filming it in the basement of Mia's mum's work that is located in our home town. As well as this being easier to get to it also had a lot more horror like features that would make our film even more scarier then planned. It also had a Church near by that we could use to film the opening part of our film. As well as the location, we also changed the characters. Instead of their being four people in the car, we changed it to two. Myself and Rosy played these two characters.

Our original idea for the opening scene was as followed:
  1. The father, played by Tom, would look back at footage of his wife and daughter playing outside their family home before they were killed. There would be the nursery rhyme 'Ring around a Rosies' playing throughout this scene.
  2. The next shot you would see would be of the four teenagers receiving the letter about joining the social experiment.
  3. You would see the teenagers walking up to the building and entering it.
  4. Shots of the teenagers being tortured and killed.

We decided to changed our original idea. Instead we changed it to:
  1. Tom, playing the father, would be standing outside the church looking at two graves.
  2. Tom would walk away from the two graves and into a building. The next shot would be of him shutting the door.
  3. You would then see Rosy and I entering the street and walking up towards the door.
  4. Tom opens the door and we have a conversation using an 'over the shoulder' shot.
  5. The camera follows Myself and Rosy through the corridor and down the stairs. The next shot is a match on action shot of us entering the room from the bottom of the stairs.
  6. The lights turn off and Tom appears.
  7. Rosy and I find a torch and are now using it to look around the room.
  8. The character I'm playing looses Rosy and then see her hanging by rope from the ceiling, now dressed in a white gown.
  9. I try to escape but fail as Tom is standing at the top of the stairs.
  10. The last shot is of me hanging from the wall, wearing the same white gown.
We liked the idea of the first shot being of Tom standing in a graveyard looking at two graves because it catches the audiences attention. They want to know who has been killed and what relation he is to them. Graveyards are often Initially we were going to use two boys as well as two girls as the victims in this film, but we decided that by just having two girls alone it makes them more vulnerable. There isn't a 'hero' type boy character that could save them.
By using the torch as lighting, after the lights are turned off, we thought it added mystery and tension to the scenes as you can not see what is going on behind us.
The end scene of us both hanging adds to the confusion of it all. We thought this was a good idea as it's like 'what happens now'. People will want to carry on watching to find out what happened to us.

We all thought that this idea was much easier to achieve, yet still is just as scary as our original idea. The storyline is still the same, but the scenes were changed.
Props used
  • A white coat for Tom to wear
  • A long white gown
  • A torch
  • Rope

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