Sunday 30 October 2011

Preliminary Task

On the 14th of October 2011 my media class were set a preliminary task to create and produce a short film. This storyline could be anything of our own choice. This task would in able us to show off our camera techniques and understanding of different camera angles and shots.
My group included, Myself, Rosy and Mia. We decided that we would use the horror genre for our task, as our main task is to produce a film opening from the Horror/Thriller genre and we wanted to keep with the theme. To film our short film we used the schools 'flip cam' and filmed it inside of school. I filmed the majority of the sequence and Mia and Rosy acted in it.
The first shot is an extreme close up shot of Mia's hands pressed up against the misty glass of a door. It then changes to a close up shot of her feet running through the corridor and into double doors. I then filmed a shot of Rosy walking through the doors after Mia, but slowly. We decided to do a low angle shot for this as it would show that Mia is vulnerable and Rosy is in control.
I then filmed a shot of Mia coming through the double doors that she had just entered but from the other side. This is a 'Match on action shot'. We used this type of shot again when showing Mia running into the girls toilets from behind and in front. We then used a 'Shot revers shot' of Rosy and Mia talking. This included me filming both Mia and Rosy talking into the camera, as though they are looking at each other.
We also used the 180 degree rule to film a conversation between Rosy and Mia. This included me filming their faces from the side. With this rule you have to make sure the characters have the same left/right relationship to each other.

17th October 2011 - We decided to use the mac's to edit our preliminary task with as they have 'Final cut' which is a very good editing programme. Firstly we uploaded our clips onto the mac we were using and picked the clips that we would be using in the final of the preliminary task. After picking the clips that we wanted, we put them onto 'Final cut' and cut them down and put them on the time line. At this point we have our film in order, we just have to add sound and special affects to make it look as scary as possible.

Friday 21st October 2011 - Unfortunately when going to edit our film we discovered a problem. Our video clips wouldn't open, we had lost them. We decided to start again but instead of taking the risk again we used another programme, windows live movie maker, to edit it. We finished the editing in an hour.

An example of Movie Maker
An example of Final Cut 

Our preliminary task:

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